We are moving

In this quantum leap year The Maine Beehive is moving to Camden Whole Health (CWH) as of April 1, 2016. 91 Elm St. Camden, ME 04843. 207-230-1131

Six months ago we have processed the question, do we want to stay in The Maine Beehive? The day after this question was asked, we got a call from Dr. Deb Moskowitz inviting The Maine Beehive team to join Camden Whole Health (CWH). The beehive team has had many heartfelt and uplifting conversations. Antje Roitzsch, Deborah Cautela, Robbie Hinchey and Amy Carpenter are moving to CWH. For the time being, Betsy Saltonstall plans to practice out of her home.

Like all quantum events, the changes of 2016 are coming in fast, just like the weathers unpredictability. Quantum changes can be small, but create far-reaching and dramatic results. This year, the focus is, “don’t go big” – “go deep.” We have learned that the smallest change can actually be the most powerful.

We know that we are stepping into the flow of change that is all around us. We look forward to continue providing you the best services possible allowing you to know yourselves better.

I will end with a poem by Rumi: “Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”


Robbie, Betsy, Amy, Deborah, Antje


The Beehive Team

Deborah Cautela 207-691-0730

Antje Roitzsch 207-542-4285

Robbie Hinchey 207-701-8968

Amy Carpenter 207-975-4504

Betsy Saltonstall 207-596-4823