Lower Back pain?

Because the golf swing involves an array of complex unilateral body movements, at some point virtually every golfer will experience an acute injury or chronic back pain.

Here are some recent stats:

53% of male and 45% of female golfers suffer low back pain.

– As many as 30% of professional golfers are playing injured.

– 33% of golfers are over the age of 50.

– Playing golf and another sport increases chance of injury by 40 percent.

Researchers conclude that a majority of injuries affecting male golfers originate in the low back and are related to improper swing mechanics and/or the repetitive nature of the swing.

Amateurs are typically injured due to improper swing mechanics whereas professionals suffer overuse injuries as they obsessively perform repeated strokes. When a high velocity rotary force couples with trunk sidebending (the crunch factor), the golfer’s spine and paravertebral tissues take a beating. It’s no wonder low back pain (LBP) is the most common myoskeletal complaint among golfers

We can help!

Relieving muscular imbalances and mobilizing joints

Call for your appointment: 236-3111

Don’t wait until you are injured.  Be proactive and reduce your risk of injury, so you can enjoy this upcoming golf season.

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