The importance of bodywork/ massage

‘Job’s Body’ by Deane Juhan

A book on the importance of bodywork

I am currently reading ‘Job’s Body’. Just reading the introduction makes me think that it should be a required text during any bodywork education. Let me reframe this – it should be common knowledge, especially in the medical field.

This book seems to put into words the deeper reasons why I am drawn to bodywork- both to give and receive.

Here are the highlights the book will explore, outlined in the introduction:

  • Tactile input is essential for the development of the central nervous system.
  • We have the potential to move fare beyond our genetic blueprint.
  • Our body tissue goes through constant change; we are not fixed.
  • Every sensation and emotion translates into muscle response. Those are the bases for our habitual patterns, posture and behavior.
  • Tactile input can reeducate the organism, so it is then more able to resist depression and is able to repair itself when stressed or injured.
  • Bodywork goes fare beyond pleasure; it has the potential to alter conditioned responses, chemical balance and structural relationships.
  • Essential to lasting positive change is Self Awareness. Bodywork is an effective way to increase Self Awareness.

Reading on, I didn’t know how vital tactile sensation is for the development of the central nervous system. Yet it makes sense when Deane Juhan sites the observations in orphanages where the children were fed and kept clean, but didn’t receive nurturing touch. The results were similar to malnutrition. The children lost their thrive to life, didn’t develop physically and mentally and often died.

I have a very basic understanding on that we are not bound by our genetic blueprint. And I whole-heartedly agree and have experienced all the other points covered. So I can’t wait to read his explanations and learn how to put into words what I intuitively feel and know, so I am able to share it better.

Enjoy your explorations

Antje Roitzsch

Use your resources wisely

It takes so much less energy and resources to stay healthy than to recover from pain.

Learn more about why maintaining your health is easier than to regain it:

Phenomenal Touch Teaching is coming to the East Coast


Phenomenal Touch Massage- Level One Course
May 8-11, 2015, 9:00-6:30
Peekskill NY 10566

Picture giving a massage that lights you up, rekindles your passion, and brings to you as much joy as you give to others. Imagine truly meeting your client. Your depth and pressure, contact and speed are perfectly balanced. Your hands enter so skillfully they are invisible. Your transition from one body part to another are so seamless they go unnoticed. You dance, overlapping hands, creating a rhythm of pause & movement that stems from deep listening.
In this 4 day (32 CEU hour) Level One course you will learn 25 principles of Phenomenal Touch Massage and 25 Level One PT moves. This course guides massage therapists to be able to effectively perform and incorporate these unique moves and principles into their practice in a way that minimizes strain on their body and inspires a new and different way of touching.

PTM Level One Course
May 8-11, 2015, 9:00-6:30 with 1½ hr lunch
Peekskill NY 10566 (address given w/ registration)
Cost: $550 per person if paid by April 18/ $600 thereafter. $100 deposit is required to reserve your spot.
This level one class is being taught by 3 new teachers. Leslie Bruder, the Founder of Phenomenal Touch will be present for teacher guidance but not actively leading. Therefore students will receive a reduced cost from the usual price of $700/ $750.

To register for the class and make a payment or for more information please contact Mary Stark:

Mary Monier Stark

Reilly Jernigan
(970) 596-7585

Antje Roitzsch

Find out more about Phenomenal Touch:

Teacher Team:
Mary Stark
Reilly Jernigan
Antje Roitzsch

Phenomenal Touch Demo 4/1/2015

follow the lead of the client

follow the lead of the client

You are invited to witness a Demo of Phenomenal Touch

in Brunswick on Wed. April 1 from 6:00 to 7:30p.m. Location is Midcoast Massage and Reiki Center, 103 Harpswell Road, Brunswick 712-7936

Our intention is to give a brief introduction to Phenomeanl Touch.  But since all the words will not convey what it really is, we will give a demo and let you enter into and witness the sacred space of a session. 
This is a fascinating experience for Mts or non Massage audience.
Afterwards we will talk about some of the principals you saw and may be practice a few of them with each other.
Here is who we are:
Antje Roitzsch is a licensed Massage Therapist, Master Phenomenal Touch Practitioner and Instructor. Deborah Cautela has her bachelor’s degree in Social Work, 5Rhythms Movement Therapist and Master Phenomenal Touch Practitioner.  They are the founding members of “The Maine Beehive”, a community for the healing, movement and visual arts in Rockport ME

 Here is a link to an article Leslie Bruder wrote on Phenomenal Touch

Snow shoveling body mechanics

The abundant snow in Maine has been a challenge for our bodies.  Here are some tips on how to keep your body safe and your back strong. And it is so good to get a massage in between the shoveling to really loosen up those tight muscles.

Here is the link

Warm up your back

Winter has blessed us with an abundance of snow on the east coast.  Here are some tips of warming up your body before going out to shovel snow.  Also good to do when coming back inside.  Then come on in for a Massage to the Maine Beehive in Rockport Maine.  Call 207-236-3111.

Couples massage

Have you ever thought of receiving a couples massage? Or a four handed Massage? Curious?  Check out this video and find out more.

Valentine’s Day is here

Connect with your sweetheart through couples massage or if you are single, a four- handed Phenomenal Touch™ Massage. Call us for an appointment on Saturday Feb 14 between 10am and 5pm. 236-3111. Or schedule yourself by Thursday with this link
