Open House, October 2, 5-7pm

You are invited to our 3rd Open House on Friday October 2nd from 5-7pm.

The Maine Beehive consists of a team of Wellness Professionals, supporting community members on their Pathways toward Wellness.

Meet the practitioners and learn about upcoming events and unique offerings.
To meet clients’ health goals, different treatment modalities can be combined in a comprehensive approach.  Find out how your goals can be met during this open house. Door prizes and refreshments will be served.
Besides Deborah Cautela and Antje Roitzsch, who are offering Phenomenal Touch Massage and Shiatsu, you might want to meet  Amy Carpenter who is a licensed Psychotherapist and Kundalini Yoga Instructor, specializing in couples and relationship work. Robbie Hinchey is incorporating Reiki, Hypnotherapy and EFT into his Tao Energy Healing. Betsy Saltonstall is offering integrative wellness coaching, helping clients visualize optimal health.


More information can be found at or call 236-3111.

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Use your resources wisely

It takes so much less energy and resources to stay healthy than to recover from pain.

Learn more about why maintaining your health is easier than to regain it: