Back Pain Relief with Static Back

Is you back getting tired? Low back ache, discomfort or pain? This static back position might help. It is from Pete Egoscue, the author of “Pain Free”.
Here are more exercises…
Find out more or call 207-236-3111

Are you ready for summer? Massage can help

For those of us living in Maine, summer gets us out using our bodies much more than we are used to. Often the result is an aching body. Here are a few thoughts of how you can prevent that and how we can help.

What type of weekend warrior are you?


Finally it is time to get those projects done. If it is painting the house, fixing the deck, building a stonewall and annual jobs like putting in the garden and bringing firewood in, all those activities are hard on the body. Just climbing the ladder and painting a few hours will have you balancing on a small rung, working your stabilizing muscles in feet, calf and hips, like they haven’t done in a long time. Of course you will bend your body sideways, reaching for the farthest corner, shifting your weight dangerously away from midline. Working overhead, your neck and shoulders are working overtime at odd angles. Are you in pain? Don’t ignore it; you need to get back into balance.


Your day job might be doing those projects for others. Doing landscaping, construction work or fishing, while you are used to the heavy physical work, it takes its toll. Especially if you are counting on your body to perform day in and day out, you DO need to take care of it. I bet you take care of your truck! Do you have recovery time built into your week? Self care? It’s time to do the “regular oil change” for your self.

digging the holes and backfilling already

hard working guys


But we are not all about work- we want to take advantage of what Maine has to offer. May be visitors are our excuse to get out. Whatever the means – let’s play! Paddle boarding, kayaking, biking, golfing, hiking, sailing and more. Here again, unless you go to the gym regularly, your body is not used to the specific muscular engagement needed for all this fun, especially when we spend too many hours sitting bend over a computer.

Let’s just look at the newly popular activity of paddle boarding. Standing on the board requires balance. A solid, strong stance will ground you to the board, while all your stabilizing leg and hip muscles are in constant motion keeping you upright and on the board. Add the forward movement that you would like to achieve; it is coming from a strong core, engaging the transverse and oblique abdominal muscles, saving your back and shoulders.

What is needed?

If it is projects, work or fun, your body will do best with a strong core muscle engagement. And if you are not used to it, you will be sore afterwards. To prevent any injuries, build your body up with core strength exercises and regular stretching. It is crucial that you have proper body alignment doing this; otherwise you are doing more damage than good. If you need a recommendation for a personal trainer, give us a call; we know a few good ones.

Receiving massage before and after will prepare muscles, increase endurance and reduce recovery time from soreness; especially if your work is physically demanding. You know your truck is not passing inspection if the frame is starting to rust, right?

Video tips to strengthen your core:

Here are a few visuals to get you started.

Our “getting ready for your spring project” video has a few tips for you:

We found some great videos to strengthen your core for the paddle board- but they are just as helpful for your core in general.

Paddle core Part 1

Paddle core Part 2

Paddle fitness class

A chance to win $1000

Did you know you can book massages with us through the free app mindbody connect? Mindbody just let us know that you can win up to $1000 worth of services (like massages with us). Follow this link:


Enjoy the summer and stay healthy and mobile

Antje and Deborah

Use your resources wisely

It takes so much less energy and resources to stay healthy than to recover from pain.

Learn more about why maintaining your health is easier than to regain it:

Snow shoveling body mechanics

The abundant snow in Maine has been a challenge for our bodies.  Here are some tips on how to keep your body safe and your back strong. And it is so good to get a massage in between the shoveling to really loosen up those tight muscles.

Here is the link

Warm up your back

Winter has blessed us with an abundance of snow on the east coast.  Here are some tips of warming up your body before going out to shovel snow.  Also good to do when coming back inside.  Then come on in for a Massage to the Maine Beehive in Rockport Maine.  Call 207-236-3111.

Couples massage

Have you ever thought of receiving a couples massage? Or a four handed Massage? Curious?  Check out this video and find out more.

Valentine’s Day is here

Connect with your sweetheart through couples massage or if you are single, a four- handed Phenomenal Touch™ Massage. Call us for an appointment on Saturday Feb 14 between 10am and 5pm. 236-3111. Or schedule yourself by Thursday with this link


Holiday Wishes and Offers

We wish you a warm and peaceful holiday season with meaningful connections.

May your new year unfold in a beautiful way.

Some of you have seen our ad in the Penobscot Bay Beacon Magazine.  The additional editorial offered great incentives to take care of your body mind and sprit.

You can still take advantage of them until the end of 2014.

If you are a first time client you will receive a 2 hour intake session at $80, a $45 reduction. This will give you a sense if we are a good fit for you.

If you are interested in committing to yourself with regular massage, you can take advantage of a package of 5 sessions at $450 that is good for 6 months or

10 sessions at $900 that is good for a year.

This is the last time we will offer packages at this price.

We will reevaluate our price structure in the spring, since our prices are the lowest of the established therapists around. This is your chance to extend our current prices through 2015.

You can purchase all these sessions and packages online for yourself or a loved one. Here is the link:

Go to the tab: purchase sessions and gift cards.  You find these offers under the gift card tab.  Once you purchased them, please go to the appointment tab and book your appointments.  For the packages get your calendar out and schedule to the best of your ability.  You can make changes later.

We look forward to the honor of being your Massage Therapists in the new year.

Antje and Deborah

Free Seated Massages Dec. 11, 5-7pm

Dec 11 The Maine Beehive/ Massage will participate in extended business hours in conjunction with the  Route #90 Customer Appreciation and Holiday Open House Event. (The Maine Beehive is in sight of Rt 90, but on Rt 1 )
Antje Roitzsch and Deborah Cautela from The Maine Beehive will offer free seated massages from 5-7pm.  Gift Certificates will be available for stocking stuffers.
view from the driveway

view from the driveway