Christmas Ornament Making

The next 2 Tuesday evenings we will create German inspired Christmas Ornaments.  Registration goes through the Camden/Rockport Adult Ed.  Find the link below.

In the first class we will create wrapped stars like the image below. Bring thread and scissors.

The second week we will create folded stars to hang into your windows and bring color into the dark season.

We hope to see you for some fun hand work and community gathering.




Holiday Wishes and Offers

We wish you a warm and peaceful holiday season with meaningful connections.

May your new year unfold in a beautiful way.

Some of you have seen our ad in the Penobscot Bay Beacon Magazine.  The additional editorial offered great incentives to take care of your body mind and sprit.

You can still take advantage of them until the end of 2014.

If you are a first time client you will receive a 2 hour intake session at $80, a $45 reduction. This will give you a sense if we are a good fit for you.

If you are interested in committing to yourself with regular massage, you can take advantage of a package of 5 sessions at $450 that is good for 6 months or

10 sessions at $900 that is good for a year.

This is the last time we will offer packages at this price.

We will reevaluate our price structure in the spring, since our prices are the lowest of the established therapists around. This is your chance to extend our current prices through 2015.

You can purchase all these sessions and packages online for yourself or a loved one. Here is the link:

Go to the tab: purchase sessions and gift cards.  You find these offers under the gift card tab.  Once you purchased them, please go to the appointment tab and book your appointments.  For the packages get your calendar out and schedule to the best of your ability.  You can make changes later.

We look forward to the honor of being your Massage Therapists in the new year.

Antje and Deborah

Phenomenal Touch Images available for sale

–  Images for website use or mobile devices.

These are ready for purchase!

The use of each image is a one time fee of $30. ($31, when paying through Paypal.)

The process:   Please send us an email to with the image code you would like to purchase, e.g. BAA_001.  Send us a check or use the pay pal button below.  After receipt of payment we will send you the  images as  an attachment in an email.  It will be 600 Pixels wide without a watermark, with a 72 resolution.  We require you to install a hyperlink in the image, leading back to this webpage.  If at all possible we would like the source of the images mentioned on your website. All images a ©The Maine Beehive

Buy Now Button

Selection of Images for sale or as traveling exhibit:

 The photo exhibit “Body as Art” emerged to show the reverence for the body, any body.

Massaging many different bodies over the years, Deborah Cautela and Antje Roitzsch developed the sense of reverence and honor to work with all the different bodies and body types, treasuring and celebrating each and every one of them.

Both of them invited Lisa Elizabeth to collaborate with them, taking these photographs.  Joining the collaboration as models were Bruce O’Donal, Jean Matlack, Dominique  Gordon, Gamal Griffin.

This exhibit was inspired by the sense of awe, to capture the dance between the receiver and giver of touch.  The pictures show receiving tender, loving massage as large images to specific close ups, honing in on a tender moment of connection, trust and surrender.  The images elicit a moment of pause, to witness the beauty of the body.

video clip of Antje Roitzsch’s diverse art work

Creating Art can be healing.  Observing, interacting with Art can be healing as well.  Antje Roitzsch’s sculptures are created to be touched, and this way appreciated and understood on many different levels.

Her intuitive drawings are a way to tap into the creative process.  They also are a tool to express feelings and process the state of the here and now.

Antje walks through nature with her camera as part of her meditative practice.

More of her work can be found at

Mirror- self reflection

I woke up this morning with the song in my head from Sweet Honey in the Rock ”there are no mirrors in my Nana’s house”. Mirrors! How important are mirrors in forming your self-image?  Would you have a different self-image if you would not look into the mirror every day?  What information does a mirror give you?  How do you judge yourself through the information you get from a mirror? Remember, you never appear to anyone else the way you look in a mirror to yourself.  How reliable is the reversed reflection?

I wonder if it would be a great experiment to cover all mirrors in your house and actually feel into your body.  Sense your body, rather than looking at it. Notice if you feel at ease, can move freely, feel vibrant and alive.  My suspicion is, that we would come up with different and new criteria to judge our bodies.  And do we really need to judge our bodies?

How about having the eyes of a loved one reflect back to you the beauty you radiate?

Here is something that fits with these refections:

This is a beautiful example of how we see ourselves vs. how other people see us.

The German tradition of making intricate paper jewels – PenBay Pilot

The German tradition of making intricate paper jewels – PenBay Pilot.

This is a link to the article the Pen Bay Pilot wrote on our Christmas Ornament making.

The next class will be held on Monday 12/9 from 3-5pm.

Please join us for making straw stars.  Call 207-236-3111 to reserve your spot and get the details.

making Christmas Ornaments

making Christmas Ornaments

The Maine Beehive is showcasing Charles Duvall’s creative work

Finally the Maine Beehive is stepping into one of it’s core mission, to showcase and collaborate with local talent.  Charles Duvall of Duvall Design came today and installed a sculptural fabric structure on the outside of the Maine Beehive.  I can’t wait to show it off during our open house this coming Friday, Aug 16 from 10am-7pm.

Thank you Charles!



view from the parking lot

view from the parking lot

view from the driveway

view from the driveway

view from the street

view from the street

Jewelry created with conscious, healing intention

Can jewelry be more than decoration, adornment, enhancement, self-expression?

Jewelry carries vibration.  Any material does.  I am just reading the book ‘Consciousness and Energy’ by Penny Kelly.  She describes research done by William C. Levengood on Energy.  He figured out a way to measure and record energy.  He showed that different metals influence plants in a different way.

The following experiment caught my interest:  The subject had a very different energy field without her regular jewelry. The wearer and the jewelry interact.  The ring is taking on the vibration of the wearer.  But the wearer can use her energy more readily while wearing the jewelry.  The jewelry enhances her vibration.

Now, if one creates jewelry with certain conscious healing intention, the metal should take on those vibrations and help the wearer tune into that energy. It makes sense to me.

I already have created a bracelet for that specific purpose.  This is how I intent to combine my healing arts with my visual arts.  They come together in the heart vibration.

Here is my first pair of earrings done in my new studio.  They are filled with healing energy 🙂

Any takers?

Persephone earrings, copper with silver wire

Persephone earrings, copper with silver wire

Flowering is planted

Flowering is planted.

This is the first year the sculpture has Irises growing in the middle.  We planted Scarlet Runner Beans, Morning Glories and Nasturtiums around the sculpture.  We are hoping for the perfect summer so the sculpture will be sporting a colorful coat- a true collaboration with nature.

"Flowering"  installed at the Beehive and planted

“Flowering” installed at the Maine Beehive and planted